Tuesday, November 17, 2009


1st and 2nd graders are having fun reading The Great Turkey Race. In this book 3 turkeys escape from the farm right in time for Thanksgiving dinner. These students are on the look out for turkeys in disguise.

3rd Graders Native American Project

Students have been learning about the Native American Culture. These 3rd graders are finishing their water color resist. They learned that wax and water do not mix, and we can use this knowledge to create some pretty cool pictures.

Friday, November 13, 2009


All classes have been studying Ancient Egypt. These Kindergartners are finishing their Egyptian necklaces.

Free Junk Friday

Today was Free Friday and classes had a fun time creating things out of JUNK! Some creations were really interesting and all were unique. Some students took this free time to catch up on projects. These are pictures from 4th and 5th graders.