Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Excellence in Art

Every year, a few students from Truman have their artwork chosen for Lindbergh's Excellence in Art. Students, teachers, principals and families all gather at the High School auditorium for a viewing of the artwork and a ceremony. All artwork will hang in the auditorium or central office for 1 year. I am very proud of these students and very grateful that they are at Truman. You kids rock!

Drew, 1st grade- Water Color

Sarah, 1st grade - Ceramics

Logan, 3rd grade- Origami

Olivia, 3rd grade- Model Magic

Hailey, 5th grade- Linoleum print

Madison, 5th grade- Collage

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

5th grade is working collaboratively to make a recycled art project. They have been collecting, cutting and spray painting plastic bottles. Once assembled, the project will be an instillation piece at "The Hangar" in Crestwood mall over the summer.